Health bill could show limits of Trump's Senate sway


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But three senior administration officials said that they had not seen the important points within the bill as recently as Tuesday afternoon. Asked Wednesday aboard Air Force One if Trump saw details, White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walters said that "the proper individuals have seen the bill," reported by a pool report.

The White Home offering “technical advice” from officials like Health insurance and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and Second in command Mike Pence, said Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), who will be helping draft the check. Outside groups that got involved in the House’s legislative effort recently also have largely stayed away from the Senate process, knowing McConnell is charge.

"The White Residence is leaving it to Mitch, and that’s smart," said former Majority Leader Trent Lott, who recently met with several senators. "He’s a wily old rascal and is able to work his conference."

White House and Capitol Hill officials are privately concerned that Trump’s lack of policy expertise could fool fluid dynamics – and potentially hurt in negotiations with a bit of senators, one Capitol Hill and one White House official next to the talks said. Men and women your property Freedom Caucus complained in March that Trump hasn’t been engaged in policy details they thought about within an earlier form of health-related legislation.

Having the president discuss an invoice comprehensive with a senator doesn’t "use his talents well, and not going to allow us to," one White House official said. Some Republicans who weren’t vocal Trump backers, for example Sen. John McCain and Sen. Mike Lee, aren’t swayed with a call through the president.

Two White House officials also said they didn’t think McConnell – who has tightly controlled the process, hand-selecting a team of lawmakers to aid write the bill – would allow them to have much control "regardless if we wanted it."

"There initially were more leakers and many more drama queens on the House side during that whole debate. He runs a really tight ship," among the many White House officials said of McConnell.

Trump, one outside ally said, has criticized the place bill and senators at different points – "telling people what they want to find out about this." He’s asked few questions regarding the specific language inside the bill, one administration official said, but has asked repeatedly about vote totals.

He has focused really his attention within the ongoing Russia investigation, said the outside ally, who may have spoken with Trump.

Senate leaders will start whipping votes after the text is released on Thursday, and Trump’s involvement is predicted to raise subsequently. The White House has checked Trump’s poll numbers in certain states, wondering simply how much pressure he could exert inside final days on particular senators.

Officials have expressed rising optimism in recent days the fact that bill will pass. "Businessmen that could one task at any given time. As president he’s proven that he’s prolific, he can discuss with tech giants and open apprenticeships while doing so. Whilst still being focus on completing repeal including a replace as being a priority," said Kellyanne Conway, the president’s counselor.

But a small number of Republicans still seem skeptical about the legislation, and White House officials have started envisioning scenarios in which McConnell loses two Republican votes and the Senate is tied, requiring Pence to cast the 51st vote and only the bill.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) raised doubts that McConnell brilliant team were giving answers to Trump’s complaint in a meeting a couple weeks ago that the House bill was too harsh.

“The president has argued for any more generous bill,” she said inside an interview. “We’ll need to see what originates out tomorrow, but I’m wondering if individuals who are drafting the bill are enjoying what the president said with regards to the demand for bill to become more generous.”

Paul, too, might be a tough sell. If Trump can secure his vote, it would be a giant win, as the Kentuckian’s colleagues from the Senate are skeptical he will probably get on board.

Sunday should be 85 degrees and sunny in Washington – the perfect day for golf.